Methods & Guidelines

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Archival Research

Identify relevant materials from collections in order to inform new histories of narcotic cultures.

Emotional Mapping

How do you feel about (doing) drugs in the city? Conduct individual interviews on everyday life, and draw a colorful emotional map.

Ideal City Mapping

Participartory Ideal City Mapping. Ask a small focus group (of drug users, for example) about their ideal city, and draw an ideal map together.


Make a DIY PartyZine to encourage discussions and generate accounts of substance use related to parties and gender.

Diverse Material

(Flyers, photographs, blog entries, documents related to events, descriptions of objects, etc.)


Ethnographic Fieldwork

Observe people, nose around an area, talk to people, take photographs and make audio recordings; collect things and write down stories of what you observe.  


Visualize spatial data and analyze spatial relations between social phenomena. These systems are especially helpful for producing insightful maps.

Oral History

Give a voice to people who are under-represented in traditional written sources: drug users, friends, family, care workers and inhabitants of “narcotic spaces.” (Not yet complete, please check back for updates)

Visual Ethnography

Collect visual material as a cultural object and representation of ethnographic knowledge, and as a method of promoting social action. (Not yet complete, please check back for updates)