Germany · in English
An ideal city for marginalised drug users in Germany - Talk on the project by Mélina Germes-- »An ideal city for marginalised drug users in Germany - Talk on the project by Mélina Germes«
Drawn after a series of participative mapping workshops led in Berlin and Frankfurt in 2019, this image depicts how an ideal city could look like from the point of view of marginalised drug users. Talk given at the Narcotic City Archive Opening, 29th of October 202 in Amsterdam.
(Type: video)
(Format: 9:49 min)
- Grinding Berlin
The Grinder, a device for grinding dried herbs as e.g. cannabis…. and its ubiquitous presence in Berlin “Späti” late night shops
BerlinTemporal Coverage: () Read Story - Travel through an Ideal City of Marginalised Drugs Users
Look at this picture. It’s a huge drawing of how an ideal city could look – but not just any ideal city: the city of drug users, imagined from a variety of marginalized positions.
2019UtopiaTemporal Coverage: 2019 (2010s,) Read Story -
Germany · in German
An ideal city for marginalised drug users in Germanyde »Eine ideale Stadt für marginalisierte Drogenkonsument*innen«
Drawn after a series of participative mapping workshops led in Berlin and Frankfurt in 2019, this image depicts how an ideal city could look like from the point of view of marginalised drug users. Not only drug consumption (yellow), but also housing (green), safety (blue), health (orange) and transportation (pink) are crucial issues. Thus the drawing present an alternative planing of the city.
(Type: picture)
(Format: 100 x 100 cm)
Subjects: planing; utopia ,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Affordable housingde »Bezahlbarer Wohnraum«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Housing self organisationde »Selbstorganisation«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Alternative housingde »Alternative Wohnheime«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Housing and shelters for womende »Unterkünfte für Frauen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Emergency sheltersde »Notunterkünfte«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Basic rightsde »Grundrechte«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Better streetsde »Bessere Strassen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Transportation,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Alternative transport systemsde »Alternative Transportmöglichkeiten«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Transportation,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Infrastructurede »Infrastruktur«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Transportation,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Free public transportationde »Kostenloses ÖPNV«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Transportation,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Self-regulation in the scenede »Selbstregulation in der Szene«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Meeting place for everyonede »Treffpunkte für alle«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Awareness campaigns about drugsde »Über Drogen informieren«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Better substitution therapy (2)
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Providing and disposing of consumption ustensilsde »Konsummaterialien besorgen und entsorgen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Social workers in the streetsde »Sozialarbeiter*innen in den Strassen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Mobile consumption rooms everywherede »Mobile Konsumräume überall«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
More consumption rooms, for everyonede »Mehr Drogenkonsumräume, für alle«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Urban quality of life for everyonede »Lebensqualität in der Stadt für Alle«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Solidarity with the hospital strikesde »Solidarisch mit den Krankenhausstreike«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Waiting less and having more timede »Wartezeiten kürzen und sich die Zeit nehmen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Better substitution therapy (1)de »Substitution verbessern«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Free access to healthcarede »Kostenloser Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Radical change of medical behavior towards drug usersde »Der medizinischen Umgang mit Drogenkonsumierenden grundlegend verändern«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Foundations for safetyde »Grundlagen für die Sicherheit«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
The perspective of women and sex workers-- »The perspective of women and sex workers«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
An ideal police?-- »An ideal police?«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Good behavior of police and security-- »Good behavior of police and security«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Decriminalization-- »Decriminalization«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In prison (Frankfurt)de »Im Gefängnis (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In the drug consumption room (Frankfurt)de »Im Drogenkonsumraum (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the police (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Polizei (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the family (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Familie (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Healthcarede »Zur Gesundheitsversorgung (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Drug consumption in public (Frankfurt)de »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Living out of town (Frankfurt)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
On the street / at the night shelter (Frankfurt)de »Auf der Strasse / in der Notschlafunterkunft (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
Frankfurt · in German, English
Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
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