Marseille · in French
Abolish police not whoresfr »Abolissez la police pas les putes«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, sex work, repression,
Bordeaux · in English
Weed and rolling paper in a box of tamponsfr »Du cannabis et des feuilles à rouler cachés dans une boîte de tampons«
A box of tampons with weed and rolling paper inside
(Type: Physical object)
(Format: 20cm)
Subjects: gender, drugs, cannabis, police, paraphernalia,
- Covid-19 — Christiania is closed
Report and images from coronavirus shutdown, May 2020
2020ChristianiaTemporal Coverage: 2020-05/2020-05 (2020,2020s,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - Public Undergrounds: The rise of alternative drug cultures and the invention of the “Scene”
In the early 1970s, the emerging narcotic cultures of West-Berlin not only drew the attention of the public and the media, but came into the focus of academics and public health institutions, First studies and surveys were conducted with one paper standing out in particular. It was entitled “Drug Consumers Underground” [Drogenkonsumenten im Underground] and authored by a collective of young social workers, drug users and educators, some of them with aliases.
1970 – 1975West-BerlinTemporal Coverage: 1970/1975 (1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1970s,1970s,) Read Story - Christiania’s 50th birthday parade
Insights into the governing of the narcotic city of Copenhagen
2021Temporal Coverage: 2021-09/2021-09 (2020s,2021,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - Early drug scenes in Switzerland: places and practices
Not only for the Swiss counterculture were certain places in the cities of central importance. Here one could buy drugs and consume and philosophize together. In Basel, people sat on the wall at Barfüsserplatz.
1965 – 1975SwitzerlandTemporal Coverage: 1965/1975 (2020s,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1960s,1970s,) Read Story - Amsterdam —
»magic center of the world«
The Dutch capital has been a magnet for drug tourists for more half a century now. The iconic image of Amsterdam as a tolerant, friendly place filled with people who are 'high' all day, has its roots in the 1960s. In 1962, Robert Jasper Grootveld (1937-2009), the playful leader of the Provo social movement who organized famous "happenings" at the Spui-square. He dubbed Amsterdam the "magies centrum van de wereld", the magical center of the world. In the video below from 1966, you see him talking about addiction and consumerism.
1950 – 1970AmsterdamTemporal Coverage: 1950/1970 (1950,1950s,1951,1952,1953,1954,1955,1956,1957,1958,1959,1960,1960s,1961,1962,1963,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1970,1970s,1950s,1970s,) Read Story - The politics of pink spray on a pathway
In 2019 a number unremarkable pink lines sprayed on the asphalt of Berlin’s Görlitzer Park caused some trouble in Berlin and a remarkable global media coverage. Somewhat sloppy drawn, these open boxes appeared alongside some of the park’s throughways, especially around some of it’s entrances.
2019BerlinTemporal Coverage: 2019/2019 (2019,2010s,2010s,) Read Story - Platform Zero
Platform Zero was a financially supported volunteer project near Rotterdam Central Station providing aid and shelter to drug addicts and homeless people. After its foundation in 1987, the Platform grew into an international open drug scene. Eventually the increasing number of visitors and criminality led to the closure of the platform in 1994.
1987 – 1994RotterdamTemporal Coverage: 1987/1994 (1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1980s,1990s,) Read Story - The Rotterdam Junkie Union
The Rotterdam Junkie Union was the first user-created interest group for drug users. It was formed in 1980. In the 1980s the union organized multiple protests, provided harm reduction measures, and spoke out against forced treatment for drug users. The union received subsidy from the city of Rotterdam and had close ties to Rotterdam St. Paul’s Church.
1970 – 1996RotterdamTemporal Coverage: 1970/1996 (2020s,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1970s,1990s,) Read Story - Travel through an Ideal City of Marginalised Drugs Users
Look at this picture. It’s a huge drawing of how an ideal city could look – but not just any ideal city: the city of drug users, imagined from a variety of marginalized positions.
2019UtopiaTemporal Coverage: 2019 (2010s,) Read Story - Narcotic Struggles: Hash Rebels and the Fight for Alternative Spaces in West Berlin
In the mid-1960s, West Berlin saw the first glimpses of an emerging public drug scene, which would become a widespread phenomenon in the decades to come.
1964 – 1969West-BerlinTemporal Coverage: 1964/1969 (2020s,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1960s,1960s,) Read Story -
2 Files Zurich · in German
on the temporary closure of the Tschönki Room (consumtion room)de »zur vorübergehenden Schliessung des Tschönkiraums«
The leaflet describes the positive beginnings and the current situation (threatening police raids, media campaign, lack of support from the AJZ's patronage), which led to the temporary closure of the Tschönkiraum (self-managed consumption room). The decision was taken together with (some of) the junkies concerned.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: consumption room, self organisation, junkie activism, 80s movement, autonomous youth centre, harm reduction,
2 Files Zurich · in German
merkwürdig still ist's in der stadt gewordende »merkwürdig still ist's in der stadt geworden«-- »strangely quiet it has become in this city«
The Arbeitsgruppe Drogen (Working Group on Drugs) of the Zurich AJZ is organising a "Drug Week" together with the Drogengruppe Zürich (Zurich Drug Group), an association of various organisations involved in movement-related drug work. The aim is to discuss the issue of drugs in general and how to deal with drugs in the movement. The context is police checks and media reports about the situation in the "Tschönki room", which was more than just a consumption room, but above all the fact that the drug problem was increasingly concentrated in the AJZ due to repression in the city.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: autonomous youth centre, 80s movement, repression, consumption room, harm reduction,
2 Files Zurich · in German
NEWS [AJ]Z drogenwochede »NEWS [AJ]Z drogenwoche«-- »NEWS [AJ]Z drugs week«
The working group on drugs of the Zurich AJZ organises a "Drug Week", during which the issue of drugs in general and how to deal with drugs in the 80s movement are to be discussed. The context is not least police raids and media reports about the situation in the "Tschönki room", which was more than a present-day consumption room.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: consumption room, 80s movement, police, autonomous youth centre,
Zurich · in German
CALL [to the members of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz etc.]de »AUFRUF [an die Mitglieder der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz u. a.]«
After the eviction of the "open drug scene" in the Platzspitz Park (7.2.1992), drug users, petty traders and homeless people are exposed to the repressive actions of the police on the streets. Various organisations want to document this by being present on the spot, and make it more difficult or even prevent it.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: repression, open drug scenes, solidarity, activism,
Zurich · in German
EMERGENCY STATE We continue!de »NOTSTAND Wir machen weiter!«
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz is looking for financial and material support for the Café zum Platzspitz, which was evicted by the police on the very day of its opening.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scenes, solidarity, activism, Platzspitz Park,
3 Files Zurich · in German
Clarifications and demands on police work in the drug scenede »Erklärungen und Forderungen zur Polizeiarbeit in der Drogenszene«
Based on examples, the working group documents the repressive actions of the police against the "open drug scene" in Platzspitz Park. If the police are used at all, it should be to protect the users and not to persecute them.
(Type: Paper)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: repression, police, Platzspitz Park,
Zurich · in German
In its announcement, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz points out that Zurich has a "pull" on the rest of Switzerland and nearby countries not because of the distribution of meals or because of the " Filterli tables" (tables where injecting paraphernalia was exchanged for the residual heroin left in the filters) on the Platzspitz, but because of being a financial/economic and cultural centre. The narcotics officers should therefore be active in the banking district rather than on the Platzspitz.
(Type: Press communiqué)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: self help, self organisation, harm reduction, Swiss banks, police,
2 Files West Berlin · in German
Statistics on illegal drug use and trade in West Berlin 1968 – 1981-- »Statistics on illegal drug use and trade in West Berlin 1968 – 1981«
(Format: A4)
Berlin · in German
Neighborhood against heroinde »Kiez gegen Heroin«
A poster claiming the police uses heroin to destroy alternative neighborhoods in Berlin.
(Type: Poster)
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Alternative transport systemsde »Alternative Transportmöglichkeiten«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Transportation,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
An ideal police?-- »An ideal police?«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Good behavior of police and security-- »Good behavior of police and security«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
- 'Fucking Hell'. The story of Truus Oldenburg
In 2018, Truus Oldenburg and professional writer Renate Guitink published the life story of Truus, who was then a woman of 58 years old and living in Amsterdam.
1970 – 2020AmsterdamTemporal Coverage: 1970/2020 (2010s,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2000s,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2010s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,1970s,2020s,) Read Story -
2 Files West Berlin · in German
First public Smoke-In in West-Berlin (Tiergarten, 5th of July 1969)-- »First public Smoke-In in West-Berlin (Tiergarten, 5th of July 1969)«
The idea of collective consumption of illegalized substances such as marijuana as a form of political protest had already been tried out in the US, with the large “Smoke-Ins” in New Yorks Washington Square Park being its most prominent model. The first of such public happenings was the „Smoke In“ at the large park Tiergarten on the 5th of July 1969. While being a rather small crowd of around 50 young, and predominantly male, people, the event drew considerable attention by the public and media as well as the local authorities and the police, who to everyone’s surprise did not intervene.
(Type: Video)
(Format: 6 minutes)
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the police (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Polizei (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Avec la police (Bordeaux)-- »Avec la police (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
Bordeaux · in French, English
La ville vécue des usagers et usagères de La Case à Bordeaux-- »La ville vécue des usagers et usagères de La Case à Bordeaux«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
With the Police (Munich)de »Mit der Polizei (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
With the police (Nuremberg)de »Mit der Polizei (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
With the police (Berlin)de »Mit der Polizei (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
Copenhagen · in Danish
The Christiania Junk Blockadeda »Christianias junk blokade«
”In Copenhagen, the police hunt down junkies and cannabis dealers. At the same time, heroin is being introduced at a large scale in Denmark. This is clearly felt in Christiania, where the cannabis trade is growing and the number of junkies is increasing. Christiania tries to cooperate with the police to clean up the hash market for junk, but [it fails]. The Free Town community is now taking matters into its own hands and initiating programs for overcoming addiction for junkies and actions against the junk pushers. It culminates in 1979/80, when a blockade is carried out against junk. The junkies at Christiania get the offer to step down or move. The pushers with hard drugs are thrown out corporally.” ( translation)
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: Junk blockade in Christiania,
Zurich · in German
Letten closed! What now?de »Letten zu! Was nun?«
Flyer issued by the police of Zurich informing the population about the planned eviction of the open drug scene at the "Letten".
(Type: flyer)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scene, police, repression, Zurich,
2 Files in danish
Music Album Fix og Færdig Rock mod Junk-- »Music Album Fix og Færdig Rock mod Junk«
Format: not specified
; Subject: Harm reduction, Christiania, ·
(Type: Music Album)
Subjects: Harm reduction, Christiania, ,
in Dutch
Dope Magazine 14-- »Dope Magazine 14«
Issue 14 of Dope, the magazine of the Rotterdam Junkie Union
Munich · in German, English
München: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »München: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
Nuremberg · in German, English
Nürnberg: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Nürnberg: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
Berlin · in German, English
Berlin Neukölln: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Berlin Neukölln: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Work, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Emotions, Cartography, Map,
Frankfurt · in German, English
Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
Sorry, no more Items on this page.