Zurich · in German
In its announcement, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz points out that Zurich has a "pull" on the rest of Switzerland and nearby countries not because of the distribution of meals or because of the " Filterli tables" (tables where injecting paraphernalia was exchanged for the residual heroin left in the filters) on the Platzspitz, but because of being a financial/economic and cultural centre. The narcotics officers should therefore be active in the banking district rather than on the Platzspitz.
(Type: Press communiqué)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: self help, self organisation, harm reduction, Swiss banks, police,
Zurich · in German
DEMONSTATION An end to repression in drug policyde »DEMO Schluss mit der Repression in der Drogenpolitik«
Call supported by numerous organisations for a demonstration against repressive drug policy.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: repression, HIV/AIDS, Swiss banks, drugs trafficking,
2 Files Zurich · in German
What's going on in the Districts 3, 4 and 5 - It sucks!de »WAS IST LOS IN DEN KREISEN 3, 4 UND 5 - ES IST ZUM KOTZEN!«
Leaflet against the (racist) repression in the city centre of Zurich, which is legitimised with the fight against the "open drug scene".
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: repression, racism, sex business, drug dealers, Swiss banks,
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