- Christiania’s 50th birthday parade
Insights into the governing of the narcotic city of Copenhagen
2021Temporal Coverage: 2021-09/2021-09 (2020s,2021,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - The politics of pink spray on a pathway
In 2019 a number unremarkable pink lines sprayed on the asphalt of Berlin’s Görlitzer Park caused some trouble in Berlin and a remarkable global media coverage. Somewhat sloppy drawn, these open boxes appeared alongside some of the park’s throughways, especially around some of it’s entrances.
2019BerlinTemporal Coverage: 2019/2019 (2019,2010s,2010s,) Read Story -
2 Files Zurich · in Italian
The leaflets in Italian and German call for protest against the gentrification of Kreis 5, which not only affects the "open drug scene" in nearby Platzspitz Park, but also squats and the poorer residents.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: gentrification, squats, open drug scenes,
Zurich · in German
What is going on with "our district five"?-- »Was ist mit "unserem Kreis fünf" los? Che cosa succede al "nostro quartiere cinque"? ¿Qué sucede en " nuestro Kreis 5"? MAHALLEMZDE NELER OLUYOR?«
A few weeks after the eviction of Platzspitz Park (7.2.1992), IG Kreis 5 organises a district meeting to discuss the effects of the eviction, urban development and living together in the neighbourhood. The event is held in German, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: gentrification, open drug scenes, activism,
Zurich · in German
A neighbourhood groans! ...... A neighbourhood groans!de »Ein Quartier ächzt! ...... Ein Quartier ächzt!«
Leaflet against the gentrification and (racist) repression in the "Keis 5" (district 5), which is legitimised with the fight against "foreign drug dealers". The exact date is unknown.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: racism, gentrification, speculation, drug trafficking,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Affordable housingde »Bezahlbarer Wohnraum«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Housing,
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