German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973-- »German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973«
Translation of the text in the comic: 1973. German drug tourists had discovered heroin in Amsterdam. Some thought that everything was possible here. In a squat in the Keizersstraat, 10 o' clock in the evening... "Maybe that German guy will come over for a few grams." At 2 a.m.... the doorbell was broken. "He da oben! Hier ist der Gustav. Habt ihr noch H?" "Fck. There you will have it." "Shit! Shit! The fool. I had told him to be a bit careful and especially not to scream like that anymore! Fck my dope!" In opposition to the metro plans, many demolition buildings in the Nieuwmarktbuurt had been squatted. (Junkies weren’t really popular in the squatting movement). By the way; most junkies were also quite fond of piece and quiet….
- Covid-19 — Christiania is closed
Report and images from coronavirus shutdown, May 2020
2020ChristianiaTemporal Coverage: 2020-05/2020-05 (2020,2020s,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - Christiania’s 50th birthday parade
Insights into the governing of the narcotic city of Copenhagen
2021Temporal Coverage: 2021-09/2021-09 (2020s,2021,2020s,2020s,) Read Story -
Methadonbus-- »Methadonbus«
Art work on the mobile methadone clinic ('methadone bus") as a typically Dutch phenomenon.
(Format: 100 - 200 cm)
Subjects: Methadone maintenance ,
2 Files Zurich · in German
In this leaflet, the squatters of the Autonome Kulturwerkstad(t)t Wohlgroth look back on the two and a half years since the occupation. Among other things, they discuss the closure of the consumption room, the sleep-in for drug consumers, and the women's emergency shelter. It is not their job, they say, "to solve the social problems of the city." Since the closure, "dealing and consumption of hard drugs are no longer tolerated. But that doesn't mean, of course, that we exclude junkies on principle."
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: squats, drugs policy, drug consumption, drug trafficking, solidarity, activism,
2 Files Zurich · in German
The stuff dreams are made ofde »Der Stoff, aus dem die Träume sind«
The leaflet informs about a "pause for reflection" during which the women's emergency shelter and the sanitary room (consumption room) in the occupied Wohlgroth factory are to remain closed. The reason is problems with drug use and dealing; the "open drug scene" at Platzspitz is only a few hundred metres away from the Wohlgroth.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: squat, drug consumption, drug trafficking, drugs policy,
Zurich · in German
The leaflet informs about a "pause for reflection" during which the women's emergency shelter and the sanitary room (consumption room) in the occupied Wohlgroth factory are to remain closed. The reason is problems with drug use and dealing; the "open drug scene" at Platzspitz is only a few hundred metres away from the Wohlgroth.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: squat, drug consumption, drug trafficking, consumption room, emergency shelter,
Zurich · in German
The text is part of an information brochure on the Wohlgroth squat and informs about the planned emergency shelter for women.
(Type: brochure (part))
(Format: A4)
Subjects: emergency shelter, sex work, women's activism, squat,
2 Files Zurich · in Italian
The leaflets in Italian and German call for protest against the gentrification of Kreis 5, which not only affects the "open drug scene" in nearby Platzspitz Park, but also squats and the poorer residents.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: gentrification, squats, open drug scenes,
Zurich · in German
SOLI-DI$KO for an Autonomous Detoxification FUNDde »SOLI-DI$KO für einen Autonomen Entzugs-FOND«
Flyer for a disco to raise money for drug-withdrawals.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: drug withdrawls, squat, solidarity,
Zurich · in German
The last entry of the first calendar of events of the Wohlgroth factory occupied on 18.5.1991 reads: "How do we deal with heroin/cocaine/FreeBase etc.?"
(Type: packing paper)
(Format: ca. 180 x 80 cm)
Subjects: drug consumption, squats,
Zurich · in German
Self help campaign Pro Kreis 4de »Selbsthilfeaktion Pro Kreis 4«
Call by right-wing circles for self-help against "slumification", squatting, drug use and trafficking, "freeloaders" and left-wing harm reduction policies.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: vigilante group, harm reduction, self-help, drug trafficking, drug consumption,
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