Less looking away. Less silence - more active solidarity
de:»Weniger wegschauen. Weniger schweigen - mehr aktive Solidarität«en:»Less looking away. Less silence - more active solidarity«
Leaflet against the (racist) repression in the city centre of Zurich, which is legitimised with the fight against the "open drug scene".
- Title
- de Weniger wegschauen. Weniger schweigen - mehr aktive Solidarität
- en Less looking away. Less silence - more active solidarity
- Author/Creator
- Verschiedene Quartier- und Anti-Rassismusgruppen
- Date Created
- June 18, 1994
- Temporal Coverage (Time Period)
- 1994 – 1994
- Abstract
- en Leaflet against the (racist) repression in the city centre of Zurich, which is legitimised with the fight against the "open drug scene".
- de Flugblatt gegen die (rassistische) Repression in der Zürcher Innenstadt, die mit dem Kampf gegen die "offene Drogenszene" legitimiert wird.
- Subject
- repression
- racism
- exclusion zones
- solidarity
- drug consumtion
- drug prohibition
- Spatial Coverage (Place)
- Zurich
- Type
- leaflet
- Format/size
- A4
- Source
- Widerstandsarchiv Zürich, WAZH 162.23
- Language
- German
- Rights Holder
- Widerstandsarchiv Zürich (WAZH), https://wazh.net
- Rights
- cc by-nc-sa 4.0
Narcotic Archive Item-ID