About the
Narcotic City Archive
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Why an Archive?
This is not meant to be a stuffy, traditional archive! It is a platform that grows through public participation. As an open resource, the Narcotic City Archive aims to preserve, collect, and provide access to materials that often disappear, or remain taboo or undervalued.
What do you think should be preserved and remembered? What stories need to be told?
Who we are
The Narcotic City Archive was started by members of Governing the Narcotic City, a project funded as part of the EU's HERA Joint Research Programme. The project initiated collaboration between six teams from different European research institutions, along with a range of nonprofit organizations who have been working for decades in the fields of drug activism, policy debate, and living history. This collaboration forms the foundation of the Narcotic City Archive, and our hope is that it will grow from here.
Narcotic City Project Website Twitter @Narcotic_City
Contact — get in touch
For questions and inquiries regarding the project, please write to info@narcotic.city.
Governing the Narcotic City (EU-HERA)
Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI) Essen
Goethestr. 31
45128 Essen
Concept: Members of the Governing the Narcotic City Project. Gemma Blok, Stefan Höhne, Boris Michel, Mélina Germes, Luise Fabian, Lisanne Walma, Frederieke Westerheide, Anders Lund Hansen Sage Anderson, Peter-Paul Bänziger, Thomas Bürk, Jenny Künkel.
Design and development: Christian Bauer
Technical support: Stefan Höhne, Boris Michel, Mélina Germes, Antonia Katharina Homm, Hannah Emmy Schnelle, Frederieke Westerheide.
Proof-reading and translations of website text: Sage Anderson (EN), Stefan Höhne (DE), Gemma Blok (DU), Mélina Germes (FR)
The authors of stories, curators of collections and creators of items are credited in each of them.
Data protection and Privacy Policy
We are committed to protecting the privacy of the users, contributors and creators of the archive. Please find more on our mission, copyright and data protection here.
The project Governing the Narcotic City is financially supported by the HERA Joint Research Programme (www.heranet.info) which is co-funded by ANR, BMBF/ PT-DLR, DASTI, NWO and The European Community, H2020 Understanding Europe – Promoting the European Public And Cultural Space - under grant agreement no. 769478.