T-shirt painted by Peter Pontiac for Eddy de Clercq
Date Created & Temporal Coverage:
1980 to 1982
Spatial Coverage/Location: Amsterdam
––:»T-shirt painted by Peter Pontiac for Eddy de Clercq«
This T-shirt depicts a scene from real life: Peter Pontiac being kicked out of the Amsterdam club De Koer because he was using drugs.
- Title
- T-shirt painted by Peter Pontiac for Eddy de Clercq
- Author/Creator
- Dutch underground artist Peter Pontiac (real name Petrus Josef Gerardus Pollmann (1951 – 2015)
- Date Created
- 1980 – 1982
- Temporal Coverage (Time Period)
- 1980 – 1982
- Abstract
- This T-shirt depicts a scene from real life: Peter Pontiac being kicked out of the Amsterdam club De Koer because he was using drugs.
- Description
- DJ Eddy de Clercq opened his innovative Amsterdam club De Koer in 1980. One evening, Peter Pontiac was at his club doing drugs at the bar, and was kicked out of the club for this reason. Later on, Eddy de Clercq allowed him back on condition that he did not do drugs again at the club, and painted a collection of T-shirts for Eddy. Which Pontiac did. This T-shirt is one of them.
- Spatial Coverage (Place)
- Amsterdam
- Source
- Private collection Eddy de Clercq
Narcotic Archive Item-ID