The war against narcotic!
Date Created & Temporal Coverage:
Spatial Coverage/Location: Copenhagen
Language: · Danish
da:»Krigen mod narkotika!«en:»The war against narcotic!«
Right wing war on drugs . Christiania (CA) was under attack form is creation in 1971. Their critics wanted to close down CA. In this case because they agued that CA was the center for and reason behind drug trade in Denmark and Scandinavia. The European-Coalition against Drugs was an organization connected to EAP (a right wing organization).
In Collection
- Title
- da Krigen mod narkotika!
- en The war against narcotic!
- Author/Creator
- en The European-Coalition against Drugs
- da Europa-Koalitionen mod Narkotika
- Date Created
- 1981
- Abstract
- Right wing war on drugs . Christiania (CA) was under attack form is creation in 1971. Their critics wanted to close down CA. In this case because they agued that CA was the center for and reason behind drug trade in Denmark and Scandinavia. The European-Coalition against Drugs was an organization connected to EAP (a right wing organization).
- Description
- This is a 'flyer', made in connection with a public hearing about the "a strategy to combat international drug trafficking".
- Subject
- en War on drugs
- Type
- Flyer
- Format/size
- 7 X 12 cm
- Source
- Christiania Archive
- Language
- Danish
- Rights Holder
- Christiania Archive
- Rights
- Open source
Narcotic Archive Item-ID