The Christiania Junk Blockade
en:»The Christiania Junk Blockade«da:»Christianias junk blokade«
”In Copenhagen, the police hunt down junkies and cannabis dealers. At the same time, heroin is being introduced at a large scale in Denmark. This is clearly felt in Christiania, where the cannabis trade is growing and the number of junkies is increasing. Christiania tries to cooperate with the police to clean up the hash market for junk, but [it fails]. The Free Town community is now taking matters into its own hands and initiating programs for overcoming addiction for junkies and actions against the junk pushers. It culminates in 1979/80, when a blockade is carried out against junk. The junkies at Christiania get the offer to step down or move. The pushers with hard drugs are thrown out corporally.” ( translation) "I København driver politiet klapjagt på junkier og hashhandlere. Samtidigt introduceres heroin for alvor i Danmark. Det mærkes tydeligt i Christiania, hvor hashhandlen vokser, og antallet af junkier stiger. Christiania forsøger at samarbejde med politiet om at rense hashmarkedet for junk, men røvrendes af politiledelsen, der i stedet iværksætter en storstilet razzia mod hashpusherne. Fristadens fællesskab tager nu sagen i egen hånd og iværksætter nedtrapning for junkier og aktioner mod junk-pusherne. Det kulminerer i 1979/80, hvor der gennemføres en blokade mod junken. Junkierne på Christiania får tilbuddet om at nedtrappe eller at flytte. Pusherne med hårde stoffer smides ud korporligt." (
- Title
- en The Christiania Junk Blockade
- da Christianias junk blokade
- Author/Creator
- unknown
- Date Created
- November 1, 1979
- Abstract
- en ”In Copenhagen, the police hunt down junkies and cannabis dealers. At the same time, heroin is being introduced at a large scale in Denmark. This is clearly felt in Christiania, where the cannabis trade is growing and the number of junkies is increasing. Christiania tries to cooperate with the police to clean up the hash market for junk, but [it fails]. The Free Town community is now taking matters into its own hands and initiating programs for overcoming addiction for junkies and actions against the junk pushers. It culminates in 1979/80, when a blockade is carried out against junk. The junkies at Christiania get the offer to step down or move. The pushers with hard drugs are thrown out corporally.” ( translation)
- da "I København driver politiet klapjagt på junkier og hashhandlere. Samtidigt introduceres heroin for alvor i Danmark. Det mærkes tydeligt i Christiania, hvor hashhandlen vokser, og antallet af junkier stiger. Christiania forsøger at samarbejde med politiet om at rense hashmarkedet for junk, men røvrendes af politiledelsen, der i stedet iværksætter en storstilet razzia mod hashpusherne. Fristadens fællesskab tager nu sagen i egen hånd og iværksætter nedtrapning for junkier og aktioner mod junk-pusherne. Det kulminerer i 1979/80, hvor der gennemføres en blokade mod junken. Junkierne på Christiania får tilbuddet om at nedtrappe eller at flytte. Pusherne med hårde stoffer smides ud korporligt." (
- Description
- en Text in the image: "“Sales of junk at Christiania have increased catastrophically!! It must be stopped now!!! Therefore, the residents of the free town have decided to block all known outlets of junk on Christiania. We know that the action puts junkies in an emergency situation – but we cannot help everyone overcoming their drug addiction. The number of Junkies is huge! – And CA's ‘Drug Overcoming Groups’ do not receive the financial support they need. Therefore, we can only treat the free town's own drug addicts. We also know that Copenhagen's Treatment Centers want to help – and we therefore demand that the municipality and the state live up to their financial and especially human responsibility – now. Support Christiania!!! Free the free town and the Junkie from hard drugs. Are you against junk too! – Then support the blockades – show up at Rockmaskinen, Fredens Ark.” (Own translation)
- da (see object)
- Subject
- Junk blockade in Christiania
- Type
- Poster
- Format/size
- A4
- Source
- Christiania Archive
- Language
- Danish
- Rights Holder
- Christiania Archive
- Rights
- Open source
- Relation to other item
Music Album Fix og Færdig Rock mod Junk