Items include any kind of historical or contemporary material that can be shown online. Take a look and follow your own path of discovery! Are you looking for something specific? Search the Archive
The Netherlands · in English
Drugs in Hippo: The evolution of a drug prevention experiment in an open youth centre-- »Drugs in Hippo: The evolution of a drug prevention experiment in an open youth centre«
The house dealer experiment at Hippopotamus Unlimited was a driving force behind the introduction of harm reduction measures in the municipality of Leeuwarden
(Type: object)
Subjects: harm reduction,
- The house dealer experiment at Hippo
In the North of the Netherlands, a “house dealer” experiment was initiated in the late 1970s at youth centre Hippopotamus Unlimited (Hippo).
1970 – 1979The NetherlandsTemporal Coverage: 1970/1979 (2020s,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1970s,1970s,) Read Story -
The Netherlands · in Dutch
Video "Lang hier yn Ljouwert"-- »Video "Lang hier yn Ljouwert"«
Video (with English subtitles) about the Dutch youth centre Hippo.
(Type: videotape reel)
(Format: 29:43 min)
Subjects: cannabis, harm reduction,
- Beyond Bodies: Spatializing Harm Reduction Ecology in Upper Manhattan
At Marcus Garvey park in the summer of 2021, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic, residents in Harlem gathered in protest to contest the placement of drug-related services at what is perceived to be an unsubstantiated rate and an overwhelming presence of treatment facilities, including methadone clinics and new safe injection sites.
1979 – 2022New YorkTemporal Coverage: 1979/2022 (2020s,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2000s,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2010s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2022,1970s,2020s,) Read Story -
Germany · in English
An ideal city for marginalised drug users in Germany - Talk on the project by Mélina Germes-- »An ideal city for marginalised drug users in Germany - Talk on the project by Mélina Germes«
Drawn after a series of participative mapping workshops led in Berlin and Frankfurt in 2019, this image depicts how an ideal city could look like from the point of view of marginalised drug users. Talk given at the Narcotic City Archive Opening, 29th of October 202 in Amsterdam.
(Type: video)
(Format: 9:49 min)
Amsterdam · in English
Interview with August de Loor (Stichting Adviesburo Drugs, Amsterdam)-- »Interview with August de Loor (Stichting Adviesburo Drugs, Amsterdam)«
Interview with Gemma Blok about 50 Years of activism for harm reduction in Amsterdam - from the Junkie Union to drug testing kits. October 2021 - Amsterdam.
(Type: video)
(Format: 1:16:15)
Subjects: harm reduction drug checking ,
Amsterdam · in English
Eddy de Clercq at the Narcotic City Archive Opening Amsterdam 2021-- »Eddy de Clercq at the Narcotic City Archive Opening Amsterdam 2021«
In this video, De Clercq talks about his first Amsterdam Club De Koer (1980), that offered a mix of New Wave, disco, live music and performances. One of the guests was the Dutch cartoonist Peter Pontiac, who donated a unique series of painted T-shirts to De Clercqs club. Watch the video to find out how this donation came about!
(Type: video)
(Format: 22:27)
Netherlands · in Dutch
Interview with Eric Krabbenbosch-- »Interview with Eric Krabbenbosch«
In this video, Amsterdam comic artist Eric Krabbenbosch talks with Gemma Blok about his work, and his long-time use of heroin and other drugs.
(Type: video)
(Format: 11:22 min)
Marseille · in english
Posters by error.tpg presented by Solenn Real Molina (Marseille)-- »Posters by error.tpg presented by Solenn Real Molina (Marseille)«
Solenn Real Molina (Marseille) presents the posters by error.tpg at the Narcotic Archive Opening Event 24th of March 2022 - Aquarium, Berlin Kreuzberg
(Type: video)
Subjects: harm reduction,
- Error.tpg Party Posters
Error.tpg* is a queer collective from Marseille organizing parties by queer people for queer people : LGBTQIA, QPOC, sex workers. To them, partying is political, because our queer bodies, music and lifestyles are political. These posters, stuck on the walls of their last party in October 2021 and posted on their social media, are a way to reassert it.
2021MarseilleTemporal Coverage: 2021/2021 (2020s,2021,2020s,2020s,) Read Story -
Marseille; France · in French
Not sure of what you got? Think about microdosingfr »Pas sûr-e de ce qu'on t'a filé ? Pense à microdoser«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, harm reduction,
Marseille; France · in French
"Are you clean?" = Serophobic questionfr »"T'es clean ?" = question sérophobe«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, discrimination,
Marseille · in French
Testing is protecting (y)ourselffr »Se faire dépister, c'est se protéger«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, harm reduction,
Marseille; France · in French
Protect your nose, change your strawfr »Protège ton nez, change de paille«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, harm reduction,
Marseille; France · in French
Alcohol, drugs, heat: drink waterfr »Alcool drogues chaleur : bois de l'eau«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, harm reduction,
Marseille; France · in French
Don't forget to divide, not to feel badfr »Pense à fractionner pour pas en chier«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, harm reduction,
Marseille; France · in French
Self-determination for allfr »Autodétermination pour toustes«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, politics,
Marseille; France · in French, English
Against expulsions, mutilations and precariousnessfr »Contre les expulsions contre les mutilations et contre la précarisation«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, politics,
Marseille; France · in French
Queers united against bordersfr »Queers solidaires contre les frontières«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, border,
Marseille; France · in French
All the queers hate the satefr »Toustes les queers détestent l'Etat«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, repression,
Marseille · in French
Abolish police not whoresfr »Abolissez la police pas les putes«
Poster for the parties of the Error.tpg collective
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: queer, party, sex work, repression,
Paris · in French
Dossier Droguefr »Dossier Drogue«
"Nous ne voulions porter aucun jugement moral, paternaliste ou flic. C'était assez difficile vu que les 98% des documents sont très moralisateurs et le plus souvent faux. Nous voulions insister sur la répression des drogués et sur les histoires louches où sont impliqués des "personnalités" bien placées."
(Type: Booklet)
(Format: A6)
Subjects: repression, information,
Paris · in French
The needle between the teeth. Drug, power and revolutionnaries. fr »La seringue entre les dents. La drogue, le pouvoir et les révolutionnaires. « #2831 Format: 21x13.5 cm, 39 pages ; Subject: revolution, repression, youth, resistance, pathologisation ·
Brochure écrite en réponse au texte de Raymond Marcellin, Ministre de l'intérieur français, qui publie en 1971 dans la Revue des Deux Mondes un texte intitulé : "La lutte contre la drogue"
(Type: Booklet)
(Format: 21x13.5 cm, 39 pages)
Subjects: revolution, repression, youth, resistance, pathologisation,
Poster - Christianshavn free from hard drugs-- »Poster - Christianshavn free from hard drugs«
Poster - Christianshavn free from hard drugs
Poster - Liberate your neighborhood from hard drugs-- »Poster - Liberate your neighborhood from hard drugs«
Poster - Liberate your neighborhood from hard drugs
Poster - Christiania's Common Law-- »Poster - Christiania's Common Law«
Poster - Christiania's Common Law
Poster - North Europe's largest free super-cannabis-market-- »Poster - North Europe's largest free super-cannabis-market«
Poster - North Europe's largest free super-cannabis-market
Poster - Hard drugs is still no go!-- »Poster - Hard drugs is still no go!«
Poster - Hard drugs is still no go!
Poster - What prevailed?-- »Poster - What prevailed?«
Poster - What prevailed?
Poster - No hard drugs in Christiania-- »Poster - No hard drugs in Christiania«
Poster - No hard drugs in Christiania
Poster - Why should medication be banned?-- »Poster - Why should medication be banned?«
Poster - Why should medication be banned?
Poster - Christiania support party-- »Poster - Christiania support party«
Poster - Christiania support party
Poster - Public hearing on cannabis, hemp and culture-- »Poster - Public hearing on cannabis, hemp and culture«
Poster - Public hearing on cannabis, hemp and culture
Poster - No violence in Christiania-- »Poster - No violence in Christiania« #2755 Format: not specified
Poster - No violence in Christiania
Support poster - A life behind bars-- »Support poster - A life behind bars« #2749 Format: not specified
Support poster - A life behind bars
Christiania Poster "IMOD POLITIVOLD"-- »Christiania Poster "IMOD POLITIVOLD"« #2743 Format: not specified
A living statue?-- »A living statue?«
Text in the comic: Amsterdam, 1980s. At that time, heroin was at its strongest. Regularly you came across a user who seemed to be sleeping standing up. We weren't really surprised by that....Back then, 'confused behaviour' was still very common. (text balloon) "Living statue? Maybe, but one that portrays itself, I think."
2 Files
Shooting up in the 1980s-- »Shooting up in the 1980s«
This photograph was taken in the 1980s of Eric Krabbenbosch shooting up. You can see that he does not shoot up in the inside of his elbow, but has moved on to the wrist area, a process that is common for intravenous users, whose veins have become damaged from prolonged (and/or uncareful) injecting.
"The Snort Axis" ('De Snuifas')-- »"The Snort Axis" ('De Snuifas')«
Comic relating to the allegedly widespread use of cocaine in the financial district of Amsterdam , de Zuidas (South Axis). At the 'Snuifas' (the Snort Axis) a new monument is revealed of a giant nose. "Thanks to the nose, the south axis is more lively than ever. Here, no one lets anything pass them by. Homage!"
German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973-- »German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973«
Translation of the text in the comic: 1973. German drug tourists had discovered heroin in Amsterdam. Some thought that everything was possible here. In a squat in the Keizersstraat, 10 o' clock in the evening... "Maybe that German guy will come over for a few grams." At 2 a.m.... the doorbell was broken. "He da oben! Hier ist der Gustav. Habt ihr noch H?" "Fck. There you will have it." "Shit! Shit! The fool. I had told him to be a bit careful and especially not to scream like that anymore! Fck my dope!" In opposition to the metro plans, many demolition buildings in the Nieuwmarktbuurt had been squatted. (Junkies weren’t really popular in the squatting movement). By the way; most junkies were also quite fond of piece and quiet….
"Cured"-- »"Cured"«
This comic was created for and published in the Dutch alternative series of pamphlets Gramschap.
in English
"Waiting for the next one". The history of first mobile methadone clinic ('Methadone Bus") in Amsterdam (1979)-- »"Waiting for the next one". The history of first mobile methadone clinic ('Methadone Bus") in Amsterdam (1979)«
This article analyses the reasons behind the introduction in 1979 of low-threshold methadone maintenance in Amsterdam, and desribes the ways in which methadone maintenance treatment was put into practice, from the late 1970s onwards.
Subjects: methadone maintenance ,
5 Files Marseille · in French
Error.tpg Party Posters-- »Error.tpg Party Posters« #2671 Format: not specified ; Subject: queer, harm reduction, party ·
Posters with messages related to harm reduction and political statements
(Type: Poster)
Subjects: queer, harm reduction, party ,
7 Files Zurich · in German
Theses on the relationship between drug prohibition and racism [and other texts on the subject].de »Thesen zum Zusammenhang zwischen Drogenprohibition und Rassismus [und weitere Texte zum Thema]«
Die Texte behandeln verschiedene Aspekte der Verknüpfung von Rassismus, Migrations- und Drogenpolitik sowie das Feindbild des "ausländischen Drogendealers" im Zürich der frühen 1990er Jahre.
(Type: text)
(Format: A4)
- Critical archiving, tacit narratives, and participatory knowledge production - The social and political history of archiving
The archive is more than a container for documents, and has been used to both witness, provide evidence, justify, explain, educate, entertain, support research, help protect human rights, confirm identity, invoke imagination, manipulate, seduce, and lie.
Temporal Coverage: () Read Story -
Bordeaux · in English
Weed and rolling paper in a box of tamponsfr »Du cannabis et des feuilles à rouler cachés dans une boîte de tampons«
A box of tampons with weed and rolling paper inside
(Type: Physical object)
(Format: 20cm)
Subjects: gender, drugs, cannabis, police, paraphernalia,
Berlin · in German
Berliner Tinke Magazin (first issue, 1992)-- »Berliner Tinke Magazin (first issue, 1992)«
Named after a heroin precursor in the German drug scene of the early 1970s, the “Berliner Tinke magazine was a German journal made “by and for people who use drugs”.
(Type: journal)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: heroin Berlin,
- Contested Space: Syringes in a Community Garden
Set in the seasons leading up to 2020, this story takes place in a public community garden in Bonn, Germany, in a small lot surrounded by low-rise apartment buildings, in a quiet part of town not far from the Rhine. There was once a playground on this site, but it fell into disrepair and disuse. Increasingly overgrown with plant life – and thus shielded from street view – the abandoned playground was subsequently used primarily by people consuming drugs and alcohol.
2015 – 2021GermanyTemporal Coverage: 2015/2021 (2020s,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2010s,2020s,) Read Story -
Overdose in public toilet-- »Overdose in public toilet« #2613 Format: not specified
Chinese "white heroin", with the Elephant label - Amsterdam 1972-- »Chinese "white heroin", with the Elephant label - Amsterdam 1972«
Drawing relating to the availability of high quality white (or grey) heroin, that was for sale in Amterdam in 1972. It was wrapped in foil with the depicted Elephant label on it. The heroin gave off a strong, acid smell. Users did not need to mix it with citric acid before shooting up.
Ethnographic Fieldwork-- »Ethnographic Fieldwork «
Methodological Guideline
Geographical Information Systems (GIS)-- »Geographical Information Systems (GIS) «
Methodological Guideline
Subjects: GIS,
harm reduction_spatialized2_Goerlitzer Park Berlin-- » harm reduction_spatialized2_Goerlitzer Park Berlin« #2589 Format: not specified
harm reduction_spatialized 1_Goerlitzer Park_Berlin-- »harm reduction_spatialized 1_Goerlitzer Park_Berlin« #2583 Format: not specified
Sonar_Safe´N Sound_Posters_2_Jan 2022_Wrangelstrasse Berlin-- »Sonar_Safe´N Sound_Posters_2_Jan 2022_Wrangelstrasse Berlin « #2577 Format: not specified
Sonar_Safe´N Sound_Poster_Jan 2022_Wrangelstrasse Berlin-- »Sonar_Safe´N Sound_Poster_Jan 2022_Wrangelstrasse Berlin « #2573 Format: not specified
T-shirt painted by Peter Pontiac for Eddy de Clercq-- »T-shirt painted by Peter Pontiac for Eddy de Clercq«
This T-shirt depicts a scene from real life: Peter Pontiac being kicked out of the Amsterdam club De Koer because he was using drugs.
- Covid-19 — Christiania is closed
Report and images from coronavirus shutdown, May 2020
2020ChristianiaTemporal Coverage: 2020-05/2020-05 (2020,2020s,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - Public Undergrounds: The rise of alternative drug cultures and the invention of the “Scene”
In the early 1970s, the emerging narcotic cultures of West-Berlin not only drew the attention of the public and the media, but came into the focus of academics and public health institutions, First studies and surveys were conducted with one paper standing out in particular. It was entitled “Drug Consumers Underground” [Drogenkonsumenten im Underground] and authored by a collective of young social workers, drug users and educators, some of them with aliases.
1970 – 1975West-BerlinTemporal Coverage: 1970/1975 (1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1970s,1970s,) Read Story - Grinding Berlin
The Grinder, a device for grinding dried herbs as e.g. cannabis…. and its ubiquitous presence in Berlin “Späti” late night shops
BerlinTemporal Coverage: () Read Story
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