Smoke-Ins and Hash Rebels in West-Berlin
“Zentralrat der umherschweifenden Haschrebellen“ (Central Council of Roaming Hash Rebels) was formed in the spring of 1969, ironically taking its name from a text by Mao Tse-Tung. This group was comprised of young dissents and hippies and was almost exclusively male. Understanding themselves as radical revolutionaries, the hash rebels argued that intoxicating states have a mind-expanding effect and therefore have the potential to make people aware of their disenfranchisement- thus encouraging resistance and being the first step to a revolution.
Curated by Stefan Höhne
- Title
- Smoke-Ins and Hash Rebels in West-Berlin
- Abstract
- Material about the actions of the “Zentralrat der umherschweifenden Haschrebellen“ (Central Council of Roaming Hash Rebels) in West-Berlin
- See Story: Claiming Space in West-Berlin
- Description
- “Zentralrat der umherschweifenden Haschrebellen“ (Central Council of Roaming Hash Rebels) was formed in the spring of 1969, ironically taking its name from a text by Mao Tse-Tung. This group was comprised of young dissents and hippies and was almost exclusively male. Understanding themselves as radical revolutionaries, the hash rebels argued that intoxicating states have a mind-expanding effect and therefore have the potential to make people aware of their disenfranchisement- thus encouraging resistance and being the first step to a revolution.
- Creator
- Stefan Höhne
- Temporal Coverage
- 1969 – 1973
- Spatial Coverage
- Berlin
- Language
- German
- Narcotic Struggles: Hash Rebels and the Fight for Alternative Spaces in West Berlin
In the mid-1960s, West Berlin saw the first glimpses of an emerging public drug scene, which would become a widespread phenomenon in the decades to come.
1964 – 1969West-BerlinTemporal Coverage: 1964/1969 (2020s,1964,1965,1966,1967,1968,1969,1960s,1960s,) Read Story -
2 Files West Berlin · in German
First public Smoke-In in West-Berlin (Tiergarten, 5th of July 1969)-- »First public Smoke-In in West-Berlin (Tiergarten, 5th of July 1969)«
The idea of collective consumption of illegalized substances such as marijuana as a form of political protest had already been tried out in the US, with the large “Smoke-Ins” in New Yorks Washington Square Park being its most prominent model. The first of such public happenings was the „Smoke In“ at the large park Tiergarten on the 5th of July 1969. While being a rather small crowd of around 50 young, and predominantly male, people, the event drew considerable attention by the public and media as well as the local authorities and the police, who to everyone’s surprise did not intervene.
(Type: Video)
(Format: 6 minutes)
West Berlin · in German
Invitation to the first public Smoke-In in Berlins Tiergarten -- »Invitation to the first public Smoke-In in Berlins Tiergarten «
In the late 1960s, the idea of collective consumption of illegalized substances such as marijuana as a form of political protest had already been tried out in the US, with the large “Smoke-Ins” in New Yorks Washington Square Park being its most prominent model. The first of such public happenings was the „Smoke In“ at the large park Tiergarten on the 5th of July 1969. It was widely announced by flyers, such as this one.
(Type: flyer)
West Berlin · in German
Smoke-In in West-Berlins Tiergarten -- »Smoke-In in West-Berlins Tiergarten «
Foto and flyer showing on of the the frequent "Smoke-Ins" in West-Berlins park Tiergarten.
(Type: flyer)
West Berlin · in German
Leaflet of the West Berlin Hash Rebels 1969-- »Leaflet of the West Berlin Hash Rebels 1969«
Leaflet of the the “Zentralrat der umherschweifenden Haschrebellen" (Central Council of Roaming Hash Rebels) protesting the Berlin premiere of the Musical Hair in late 1969.
(Type: Flyer)
(Format: A4, pink)
Subjects: hash, shelter, subculture, activism,
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