Self-help and solidarity in Zurich's Platzspitz Park
This collection features leaflets and brochures from self-help and solidarity campaigns and from street work in the "open drug scene" in Zurich's Platzspitz Park.
Curated by Peter-Paul Bänziger
- Title
- en Self-help and solidarity in Zurich's Platzspitz Park
- de Selbsthilfe und Solidarität im Zürcher Platzspitz-Park
- Abstract
- en This collection features leaflets and brochures from self-help and solidarity campaigns and from street work in the "open drug scene" in Zurich's Platzspitz Park.
- de Diese Sammlung enthält Flugblätter und Broschüren von Selbsthilfe- und Solidaritätsaktionen und von der Gassenarbeit in der "offenen Drogenszene" im Zürcher Platzspitz-Park.
- Creator
- Peter-Paul Bänziger
- Source
- Widerstandsarchiv Zürich (WAZH)
- Temporal Coverage
- 1986 – 1990
- Date Created
- October 13, 2021
- Subject
- open drug scenes
- solidarity
- self help
- street work
- Platzspitz Park
- Spatial Coverage
- Zurich
- Language
- German
Zurich · in German
Solidarity picnic on the Platzspitzde »Solidaritäts-Picknick auf dem Platzspitz«
Despite opposition from the city government and parliament, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz wants to continue its solidarity activism in the "open drug scene" in Platzspitz. It organises a big picnic in the park.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scenes, solidarity, activism,
Zurich · in German
EMERGENCY STATE We continue!de »NOTSTAND Wir machen weiter!«
The Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz is looking for financial and material support for the Café zum Platzspitz, which was evicted by the police on the very day of its opening.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scenes, solidarity, activism, Platzspitz Park,
Zurich · in German
Invitation to the opening of the: Café zum Platzspitzde »Einladung zur Eröffnung des: Café zum Platzspitz«
In solidarity with drug users in the "open drug scene" and to draw attention to their situation, the Platzspitz working group opens a café in Platzspitz Park.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scenes, solidarity, self help, activism, Platzspitz Park,
Zurich · in German
In its announcement, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Platzspitz points out that Zurich has a "pull" on the rest of Switzerland and nearby countries not because of the distribution of meals or because of the " Filterli tables" (tables where injecting paraphernalia was exchanged for the residual heroin left in the filters) on the Platzspitz, but because of being a financial/economic and cultural centre. The narcotics officers should therefore be active in the banking district rather than on the Platzspitz.
(Type: Press communiqué)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: self help, self organisation, harm reduction, Swiss banks, police,
2 Files Zurich · in German
Press communiqué of the Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zuerich on the 10 basic principles of drug policy in Zurichde »Pressecommuniqué der Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zuerich zu den 10 drogenpolitischen Grundsaetzen von Zuerich«
In its statement, the Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zürich calls on the authorities to stop the repressive action against the "Filterli-Tische" (tables where injecting paraphernalia were exchanged for the residual heroin left in the filters) and to provide sufficient consumption rooms, decentralised syringe distribution points as well as meals and living space for drug users. At the same time, repressive measures in the streets should be abandoned.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: harm reduction, self organisation, self help, open drug scenes, drugs economy,
Zurich · in German
Frog Syndicate. Livespace Street Unionde »Froschsyndikat. Gewerkschaft Lebensraum Gasse GLG«
The street union Frog Syndicate presents its goals and demands for a better drug policy.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: self organisation, junkie union, self help, junkie activism,
Zurich · in German
The Zurich Drug Manifesto 1988 calls for, among other things, a consumption room, a reduction of repression, the state distribution of heroin and an attitude of solidarity on the part of the population.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: harm reduction, solidarity, heroin prescription, consumption room, de-criminalisation,
Zurich · in German
Weihnachten 88 am Platzspitzde »Weihnachten 88 am Platzspitz«-- »Christmas 88 at Platzspitz«
Leaflet on the solidarity action in the "open drug scene" in Zurich's Platzspitz Park at Christmas 1988.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: open drug scenes, solidarity, culture, self help, street work,
Zurich · in German
Signature campaign against the repressive action of the authorities against the mobile street kitchen in Zurich's Platzspitz Park.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4 (?))
Subjects: self help, solidarity, open drug scene, Platzspitz park,
13 Files Zurich · in German
Kiosk Walchebrücke-- »Kiosk Walchebrücke«
This brochure presents the Walchebrücke kiosk, a project of Gassenarbeit in the "open drug scene" in Zurich's Platzspitz Park.
(Type: brochure)
(Format: ca. 10 x 21 cm)
Subjects: open drug scene, street work, self help,
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