Collection Eric Krabbenbosch
The comics of Eric Krabbenbosch are related to both his personal history of heroin use, and the general history - and present - of drug use in Amsterdam. Eric started using cannabis and LSD in the 1960s, inspired by the cultural revolution that was going on at the time. He used LSD a lot, but gradually became so paranoid that everyday life became quite a task. Going to the bakery on the corner was already a problem for him and he was constantly struggling with the left-over effects of LSD.
In 1972, when heroin was introduced on the Dutch market, he tried some of that through a couple of friends. Immediately, he enjoyed heroin’s strong, calming and numbing intoxication. The nasty aftereffects of his LSD use temporarily disappeared altogether. Eric experienced a pleasant, warm daze that lasted for hours.
This was the start of a long period of heroin use. He made numerous attempts to kick the habit and finally succeeded in doing so in 2010. Eric created comics while he was using as well, but became more productive since 2010. He now regularly produces art for Mainline, a Dutch harm reduction magazine.
Curated by Gemma Blok
- Title
- Collection Eric Krabbenbosch
- Abstract
- This item set consists of a collection of comics, that were created from the late seventies onwards by cartoonist Eric Krabbenbosch (Amsterdam, 1953).
- Description
- The comics of Eric Krabbenbosch are related to both his personal history of heroin use, and the general history - and present - of drug use in Amsterdam. Eric started using cannabis and LSD in the 1960s, inspired by the cultural revolution that was going on at the time. He used LSD a lot, but gradually became so paranoid that everyday life became quite a task. Going to the bakery on the corner was already a problem for him and he was constantly struggling with the left-over effects of LSD.
In 1972, when heroin was introduced on the Dutch market, he tried some of that through a couple of friends. Immediately, he enjoyed heroin’s strong, calming and numbing intoxication. The nasty aftereffects of his LSD use temporarily disappeared altogether. Eric experienced a pleasant, warm daze that lasted for hours.
This was the start of a long period of heroin use. He made numerous attempts to kick the habit and finally succeeded in doing so in 2010. Eric created comics while he was using as well, but became more productive since 2010. He now regularly produces art for Mainline, a Dutch harm reduction magazine.
- https://www.highhumans.com/van-heroinejunk-tot-striptekenaar-het-curieuze-levensverhaal-van-erik-krabbenbosch/
- Creator
- Gemma Blok
- Temporal Coverage
- 1972-present
Netherlands · in Dutch
Interview with Eric Krabbenbosch-- »Interview with Eric Krabbenbosch«
In this video, Amsterdam comic artist Eric Krabbenbosch talks with Gemma Blok about his work, and his long-time use of heroin and other drugs.
(Type: video)
(Format: 11:22 min)
A living statue?-- »A living statue?«
Text in the comic: Amsterdam, 1980s. At that time, heroin was at its strongest. Regularly you came across a user who seemed to be sleeping standing up. We weren't really surprised by that....Back then, 'confused behaviour' was still very common. (text balloon) "Living statue? Maybe, but one that portrays itself, I think."
2 Files
Shooting up in the 1980s-- »Shooting up in the 1980s«
This photograph was taken in the 1980s of Eric Krabbenbosch shooting up. You can see that he does not shoot up in the inside of his elbow, but has moved on to the wrist area, a process that is common for intravenous users, whose veins have become damaged from prolonged (and/or uncareful) injecting.
"The Snort Axis" ('De Snuifas')-- »"The Snort Axis" ('De Snuifas')«
Comic relating to the allegedly widespread use of cocaine in the financial district of Amsterdam , de Zuidas (South Axis). At the 'Snuifas' (the Snort Axis) a new monument is revealed of a giant nose. "Thanks to the nose, the south axis is more lively than ever. Here, no one lets anything pass them by. Homage!"
German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973-- »German heroin users in Amsterdam, 1973«
Translation of the text in the comic: 1973. German drug tourists had discovered heroin in Amsterdam. Some thought that everything was possible here. In a squat in the Keizersstraat, 10 o' clock in the evening... "Maybe that German guy will come over for a few grams." At 2 a.m.... the doorbell was broken. "He da oben! Hier ist der Gustav. Habt ihr noch H?" "Fck. There you will have it." "Shit! Shit! The fool. I had told him to be a bit careful and especially not to scream like that anymore! Fck my dope!" In opposition to the metro plans, many demolition buildings in the Nieuwmarktbuurt had been squatted. (Junkies weren’t really popular in the squatting movement). By the way; most junkies were also quite fond of piece and quiet….
"Cured"-- »"Cured"«
This comic was created for and published in the Dutch alternative series of pamphlets Gramschap.
Overdose in public toilet-- »Overdose in public toilet« #2613 Format: not specified
Chinese "white heroin", with the Elephant label - Amsterdam 1972-- »Chinese "white heroin", with the Elephant label - Amsterdam 1972«
Drawing relating to the availability of high quality white (or grey) heroin, that was for sale in Amterdam in 1972. It was wrapped in foil with the depicted Elephant label on it. The heroin gave off a strong, acid smell. Users did not need to mix it with citric acid before shooting up.
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