Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Berlin)
––:»Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
- Title
- Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Berlin)
- Author/Creator
- Anonymous interviewees, Mélina Germes (interview together with Francesca Guarascio and Christian Herrgesell)
- Date Created
- 2020
- Temporal Coverage (Time Period)
- 2019
- Abstract
- Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
- Subject
- drug use, public spaces
- Spatial Coverage (Place)
- Berlin
- Type
- Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage
- Source
- DRUSEC Project, Emotional Mapping interviews with clients of the harm reduction facility Druckausgleich in Berlin by Mélina Germes, Francesca Guarascio and Christian Herrgesell
- Language
- German, English
- Relation to other item
- Emotional Mapping Interview process
- Berlin Neukölln: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen
Narcotic Archive Item-ID