The lived city of marginalized drug users: Emotional Mapping Collages
Emotional Mapping interviews were led in Germany (Frankfurt, Berlin, Nuremberg, Munich) and France (Bordeaux) with marginalized drug users. Afterwards, one collage was made for each city depicting ambivalent or conflictual emotions. Topics raised were: family, housing and homelessness, healthcare, policing, own safety, harm reduction policies, transportation, making money, enprisonment and consumption in public.
Curated by Mélina Germes
- Title
- en The lived city of marginalized drug users: Emotional Mapping Collages
- /s/archive/page/contribute
- Abstract
- Emotional Mapping interviews were led in Germany (Frankfurt, Berlin, Nuremberg, Munich) and France (Bordeaux) with marginalized drug users. Afterwards, one collage was made for each city depicting ambivalent or conflictual emotions. Topics raised were: family, housing and homelessness, healthcare, policing, own safety, harm reduction policies, transportation, making money, enprisonment and consumption in public.
- Contribute with a drawing of your own lived city
- Creator
- Mélina Germes
- Source
- DRUSEC Project
- Temporal Coverage
- 2018-2020
- Date Created
- 2020
- Spatial Coverage
- Germany, France
- Type
- Map
- Language
- German, French, English
“How do you feel about (doing) drugs in the city?” - Emotional Mapping-- »“How do you feel about (doing) drugs in the city?” - Emotional Mapping«
Contribution Guidelines
Subjects: Emotions; Mental Maps,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In prison (Frankfurt)de »Im Gefängnis (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In the drug consumption room (Frankfurt)de »Im Drogenkonsumraum (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the police (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Polizei (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the family (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Familie (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Healthcarede »Zur Gesundheitsversorgung (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Drug consumption in public (Frankfurt)de »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Living out of town (Frankfurt)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
On the street / at the night shelter (Frankfurt)de »Auf der Strasse / in der Notschlafunterkunft (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Dans les lieux d'accueil (Bordeaux)-- »Dans les lieux d'accueil (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Avec la police (Bordeaux)-- »Avec la police (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
Bordeaux · in French, English
En famille (Bordeaux)-- »En famille (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Se faire soigner (Bordeaux)-- »Se faire soigner (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Travailler (Bordeaux)-- »Travailler (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: making money,
Bordeaux · in French, English
En prison (Bordeaux)-- »En prison (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Consommer dans la rue (Bordeaux)-- »Consommer dans la rue (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Pour une salle de conso (Bordeaux)-- »Pour une salle de conso (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
Bordeaux · in French, English
Dormir à la rue (Bordeaux)-- »Dormir à la rue (Bordeaux)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
Bordeaux · in French, English
La ville vécue des usagers et usagères de La Case à Bordeaux-- »La ville vécue des usagers et usagères de La Case à Bordeaux«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
At the drug support facility (Munich)de »In der Drogenhilfe (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
With the Police (Munich)de »Mit der Polizei (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
With the family (Munich)de »Mit der Familie (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
Healthcare (Munich)de »Zur Gesundheitsversorgung (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
Making money (Munich)de »Geld beschaffen (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: making money,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
At the main station (Munich)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
In prison (Munich)de »Im Gefängnis (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
Drug consumption in public (Munich)de »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
Living out of town (Munich)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
On the streets / at the night shelter (Munich)de »Auf der Strasse (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
At the drug support facility (Nuremberg)de »In der Drogenhilfe (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
With the police (Nuremberg)de »Mit der Polizei (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
With the family (Nuremberg)de »Mit der Familie (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
On Healthcare (Nuremberg)de »Zur Gesundheitsversorgnung (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
Making money (Nuremberg)de »Geld beschaffen (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: making money,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
At the main station (Nuremberg)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
In prison (Nuremberg)de »Im Gefängnis (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
Drug consumption in public (Nuremberg)de »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
Living out of town (Nuremberg)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
On the street / At the night shelter (Nuremberg)de »Auf der Strasse (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
In the drug consumption room (Berlin)de »Im Drogenkonsumraum (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
With the police (Berlin)de »Mit der Polizei (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
With the family (Berlin)de »Mit der Familie (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
Healthcare (Berlin)de »Zur Gesundheitsversorgnung (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
Making money (Berlin)de »Geld beschaffen (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: making money,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
In prison (Berlin)de »Im Gefängnis (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
Berlin · in German, English
Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Berlin)-- »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
Living out of town (Berlin)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
On the Street (Berlin)-- »Auf der Strasse (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
Mobility (Berlin)de »Mobilität (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Public transportation, train station,
4 Files in English
Emotional Mapping Interview process-- »Emotional Mapping Interview process«
(Type: photographs)
Munich · in German, English
München: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »München: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
Nuremberg · in German, English
Nürnberg: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Nürnberg: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
Berlin · in German, English
Berlin Neukölln: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Berlin Neukölln: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Work, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Emotions, Cartography, Map,
Frankfurt · in German, English
Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
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