- Platform Zero
Platform Zero was a financially supported volunteer project near Rotterdam Central Station providing aid and shelter to drug addicts and homeless people. After its foundation in 1987, the Platform grew into an international open drug scene. Eventually the increasing number of visitors and criminality led to the closure of the platform in 1994.
1987 – 1994RotterdamTemporal Coverage: 1987/1994 (1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1980s,1990s,) Read Story - Travel through an Ideal City of Marginalised Drugs Users
Look at this picture. It’s a huge drawing of how an ideal city could look – but not just any ideal city: the city of drug users, imagined from a variety of marginalized positions.
2019UtopiaTemporal Coverage: 2019 (2010s,) Read Story -
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In prison (Frankfurt)de »Im Gefängnis (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Enprisonment, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
In the drug consumption room (Frankfurt)de »Im Drogenkonsumraum (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Drug support, drug use,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the police (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Polizei (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Police, law enforcement,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
With the family (Frankfurt)de »Mit der Familie (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Family,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Healthcarede »Zur Gesundheitsversorgung (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Frankfurt · in German, English
At the main station (Frankfurt)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Drug consumption in public (Frankfurt)de »Drogenkonsum in der Öffentlichkeit (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: drug use, public spaces,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
Living out of town (Frankfurt)de »Ausserhalb wohnen (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing,
2 Files Frankfurt · in German, English
On the street / at the night shelter (Frankfurt)de »Auf der Strasse / in der Notschlafunterkunft (Frankfurt)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Housing, homelessness,
2 Files Munich · in German, English
At the main station (Munich)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (München)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Nuremberg · in German, English
At the main station (Nuremberg)de »Am Hauptbahnhof (Nürnberg)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Train station, transportation,
2 Files Berlin · in German, English
Mobility (Berlin)de »Mobilität (Berlin)«
Collage of citations and drawings from the Emotional Mapping interviews by different marginalized drug users in one city
(Type: Close-up of an Emotional Mapping Collage)
Subjects: Public transportation, train station,
Frankfurt · in German, English
Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen-- »Frankfurt am Main: Der gelebte Raum von Drogenkonsument_innen«
(Type: Emotional Mapping Collage)
(Format: 100 x 70 cm)
Subjects: Drug consummers, Housing, Health, Police, Marginalization, Transportation, Family, Harm Reduction, Drug help facilities, Drug consumption rooms, Emotions, Cartography,
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