Harm reduction
This collection features documents related to harm reduction policies and practices.
Curated by GONACI
- Title
- en Harm reduction
- de Schadenminderung
- Abstract
- en This collection features documents related to harm reduction policies and practices.
- de Diese Sammlung enthält Dokumente, die einen Bezug zu Politiken und Praktiken der Schadenminderung haben.
- Creator
- Temporal Coverage
- 1970 – 2021
- Date Created
- October 1, 2021
- Subject
- harm reduction
2 Files Zurich · in German
In this leaflet, the squatters of the Autonome Kulturwerkstad(t)t Wohlgroth look back on the two and a half years since the occupation. Among other things, they discuss the closure of the consumption room, the sleep-in for drug consumers, and the women's emergency shelter. It is not their job, they say, "to solve the social problems of the city." Since the closure, "dealing and consumption of hard drugs are no longer tolerated. But that doesn't mean, of course, that we exclude junkies on principle."
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: squats, drugs policy, drug consumption, drug trafficking, solidarity, activism,
Zurich · in German
The leaflet informs about a "pause for reflection" during which the women's emergency shelter and the sanitary room (consumption room) in the occupied Wohlgroth factory are to remain closed. The reason is problems with drug use and dealing; the "open drug scene" at Platzspitz is only a few hundred metres away from the Wohlgroth.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: squat, drug consumption, drug trafficking, consumption room, emergency shelter,
Zurich · in German
The text is part of an information brochure on the Wohlgroth squat and informs about the planned emergency shelter for women.
(Type: brochure (part))
(Format: A4)
Subjects: emergency shelter, sex work, women's activism, squat,
2 Files Zurich · in German
on the temporary closure of the Tschönki Room (consumtion room)de »zur vorübergehenden Schliessung des Tschönkiraums«
The leaflet describes the positive beginnings and the current situation (threatening police raids, media campaign, lack of support from the AJZ's patronage), which led to the temporary closure of the Tschönkiraum (self-managed consumption room). The decision was taken together with (some of) the junkies concerned.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: consumption room, self organisation, junkie activism, 80s movement, autonomous youth centre, harm reduction,
2 Files Zurich · in German
merkwürdig still ist's in der stadt gewordende »merkwürdig still ist's in der stadt geworden«-- »strangely quiet it has become in this city«
The Arbeitsgruppe Drogen (Working Group on Drugs) of the Zurich AJZ is organising a "Drug Week" together with the Drogengruppe Zürich (Zurich Drug Group), an association of various organisations involved in movement-related drug work. The aim is to discuss the issue of drugs in general and how to deal with drugs in the movement. The context is police checks and media reports about the situation in the "Tschönki room", which was more than just a consumption room, but above all the fact that the drug problem was increasingly concentrated in the AJZ due to repression in the city.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: autonomous youth centre, 80s movement, repression, consumption room, harm reduction,
2 Files Zurich · in German
NEWS [AJ]Z drogenwochede »NEWS [AJ]Z drogenwoche«-- »NEWS [AJ]Z drugs week«
The working group on drugs of the Zurich AJZ organises a "Drug Week", during which the issue of drugs in general and how to deal with drugs in the 80s movement are to be discussed. The context is not least police raids and media reports about the situation in the "Tschönki room", which was more than a present-day consumption room.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: consumption room, 80s movement, police, autonomous youth centre,
2 Files Zurich · in German
Press communiqué of the Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zuerich on the 10 basic principles of drug policy in Zurichde »Pressecommuniqué der Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zuerich zu den 10 drogenpolitischen Grundsaetzen von Zuerich«
In its statement, the Fachgruppe Gassennahe Institutionen der Stadt Zürich calls on the authorities to stop the repressive action against the "Filterli-Tische" (tables where injecting paraphernalia were exchanged for the residual heroin left in the filters) and to provide sufficient consumption rooms, decentralised syringe distribution points as well as meals and living space for drug users. At the same time, repressive measures in the streets should be abandoned.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: harm reduction, self organisation, self help, open drug scenes, drugs economy,
Zurich · in German
Association for Low-Risk Drug Use ARUDde »Arbeitsgemeinschaft für risikoarmen Umgang mit Drogen ARUD«
Information letter on the newly founded Association for Low-Risk Drug Use ARUD.
(Type: letter/leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: harm reduction, methadone prescription,
Zurich · in German
The Zurich Drug Manifesto 1988 calls for, among other things, a consumption room, a reduction of repression, the state distribution of heroin and an attitude of solidarity on the part of the population.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: harm reduction, solidarity, heroin prescription, consumption room, de-criminalisation,
Zurich · in German
Self help campaign Pro Kreis 4de »Selbsthilfeaktion Pro Kreis 4«
Call by right-wing circles for self-help against "slumification", squatting, drug use and trafficking, "freeloaders" and left-wing harm reduction policies.
(Type: leaflet)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: vigilante group, harm reduction, self-help, drug trafficking, drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Awareness campaigns about drugsde »Über Drogen informieren«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Better substitution therapy (2)
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Providing and disposing of consumption ustensilsde »Konsummaterialien besorgen und entsorgen«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Mobile consumption rooms everywherede »Mobile Konsumräume überall«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
More consumption rooms, for everyonede »Mehr Drogenkonsumräume, für alle«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Drug consumption,
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Free access to healthcarede »Kostenloser Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Healthcare,
Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union to user community-- »Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union to user community«
In this letter the Rotterdam Junkie Union explains to the user community their decision to no longer provide needle exchange, because the large influx of users disrupted the other activities of the union. They point users who want clean needles in the direction of pharmacists, druggists and methadone aid programs.
in Dutch
Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union on needle distribution-- »Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union on needle distribution«
In this letter by the Rotterdam Junkie Union, pharmacists are requested to sell clean needles and to encourage their colleagues to do so as well.
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