- From Queer Ecstasy to Queer Sobriety
Queer cultures are more than often associated with partying practices and also with drug consumption.
2011 – 2021Temporal Coverage: 2011/2021 (2020s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2010s,2020s,) Read Story -
Berlin · in English
Queer Edge Against the Cis*Tem
Format: ca. 10x10 cm
; Subject: sobriety, queer, trans* ·
Cloth patch representing a queer critique of mainstream intoxication culture.
(Type: Serigraphy on cloth)
(Format: ca. 10x10 cm)
Subjects: sobriety, queer, trans*,
3 Files Bordeaux · in French
How much there is to tell about... sobrietyfr »Que de choses à se dire... la sobriété«
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 20 cm, 16 p. Poster A3)
Subjects: Sobriety, Alcohol, Community,
North America · in English
Sober Queers do exist
This zine is a collection of writings by queer and trans people on the topic of sobriety
(Type: Booklet, self-edited )
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages )
Subjects: alcohol, drug, gender, queer, trans, sobriety, community, addiction, trauma,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Addict. insights from queer and trans people about living with addiction experiencede »Queer und Süchtig. einblicke von queeren und trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen«
"schon kurz nach der veröffentlichung [vom zine "queer und nüchtern] wusste ich dass ich unbedingt ein weiteres zine zu dem thema sucht herausbringen möchte. es gibt unzählige viele sucht-erfahrungen und sucht-mittel und so viele queere und_oder trans menschen sind schon mal in irgendeiner form damit in berührung bekommen, durch eigene erfahrungen, durch freund_innen, partner_innen, familie. in diesem zine kommen selbst suchterfahrene menschen zu wort."
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 47 pages)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender ,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober. Queer and Trans people's experiences of sobriety and intoxication culture de »Queer und Nüchtern. Erfahrung von Queeren und Trans Menschen zu Nüchternheit und Rauschkultur«
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages)
Subjects: Queer, Sobriety, Trans, Gender, Alcohol, Addiction, Community, Trauma,
Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober - Queer and Addictde »Queer und Nüchtern - Queer und Süchtig«
einblicke von queeren & trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen
(Type: Booklet)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender,
Sweden · in Swedish
Queer Edge Manifest 2011-- »Queer Edge Manifest 2011«
A manifesto for a political critic of alcohol and drug consumption in queer events, presented at the Queertopia festival in Sweden, 2011.
(Type: Flyer)
(Format: DIN A4)
Subjects: alcohol, drugs, sobriety, festival, queer,
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