- Beyond Bodies: Spatializing Harm Reduction Ecology in Upper Manhattan
At Marcus Garvey park in the summer of 2021, in the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic, residents in Harlem gathered in protest to contest the placement of drug-related services at what is perceived to be an unsubstantiated rate and an overwhelming presence of treatment facilities, including methadone clinics and new safe injection sites.
1979 – 2022New YorkTemporal Coverage: 1979/2022 (2020s,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2000s,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2010s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2022,1970s,2020s,) Read Story - Error.tpg Party Posters
Error.tpg* is a queer collective from Marseille organizing parties by queer people for queer people : LGBTQIA, QPOC, sex workers. To them, partying is political, because our queer bodies, music and lifestyles are political. These posters, stuck on the walls of their last party in October 2021 and posted on their social media, are a way to reassert it.
2021MarseilleTemporal Coverage: 2021/2021 (2020s,2021,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - Critical archiving, tacit narratives, and participatory knowledge production - The social and political history of archiving
The archive is more than a container for documents, and has been used to both witness, provide evidence, justify, explain, educate, entertain, support research, help protect human rights, confirm identity, invoke imagination, manipulate, seduce, and lie.
Temporal Coverage: () Read Story - Contested Space: Syringes in a Community Garden
Set in the seasons leading up to 2020, this story takes place in a public community garden in Bonn, Germany, in a small lot surrounded by low-rise apartment buildings, in a quiet part of town not far from the Rhine. There was once a playground on this site, but it fell into disrepair and disuse. Increasingly overgrown with plant life – and thus shielded from street view – the abandoned playground was subsequently used primarily by people consuming drugs and alcohol.
2015 – 2021GermanyTemporal Coverage: 2015/2021 (2020s,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2010s,2020s,) Read Story - Covid-19 — Christiania is closed
Report and images from coronavirus shutdown, May 2020
2020ChristianiaTemporal Coverage: 2020-05/2020-05 (2020,2020s,2020s,2020s,) Read Story - The Rotterdam Junkie Union
The Rotterdam Junkie Union was the first user-created interest group for drug users. It was formed in 1980. In the 1980s the union organized multiple protests, provided harm reduction measures, and spoke out against forced treatment for drug users. The union received subsidy from the city of Rotterdam and had close ties to Rotterdam St. Paul’s Church.
1970 – 1996RotterdamTemporal Coverage: 1970/1996 (2020s,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1970s,1990s,) Read Story - Travel through an Ideal City of Marginalised Drugs Users
Look at this picture. It’s a huge drawing of how an ideal city could look – but not just any ideal city: the city of drug users, imagined from a variety of marginalized positions.
2019UtopiaTemporal Coverage: 2019 (2010s,) Read Story - From Queer Ecstasy to Queer Sobriety
Queer cultures are more than often associated with partying practices and also with drug consumption.
2011 – 2021Temporal Coverage: 2011/2021 (2020s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2010s,2020s,) Read Story -
Berlin / Frankfurt · in German, English
Decriminalization-- »Decriminalization«
Pictograms drawn by drug users workshops participants, English description below
(Type: Series of hand-drawn pictogram)
(Format: 3 x 3 cm)
Subjects: Safety,
in Dutch
Letter needle exchange-- »Letter needle exchange«
In this letter to the user community, the Rotterdam Junkie Union announces that users can now come to the union office for needle exchange and encourages users to make use of the program. The union gives two reasons for starting the needle exhange program. First, it is a way to put their subsidy towards the needs of the community. Second, needle exchange is effective in the prevention of diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.
Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union to user community-- »Letter Rotterdam Junkie Union to user community«
In this letter the Rotterdam Junkie Union explains to the user community their decision to no longer provide needle exchange, because the large influx of users disrupted the other activities of the union. They point users who want clean needles in the direction of pharmacists, druggists and methadone aid programs.
Bordeaux · in French
COVID and drug users in Bordeaux: interview of Olivier Capdeboscq, La Casefr »COVID et usagèr.e.s de drogue à Bordeaux: interview d'Olivier Capdeboscq, La Case«
Interview d'Olivier Capdeboscq, coordinateur de La Case à Bordeaux, structure de réduction des risques et d'accueil des usagèr.e.s de drogue, à propos des enjeux liés au COVID. L'interview aborde les questions liées à l'hébergement, l'espace public, la santé, la réduction des risques et évoque le projet d'ouverture d'une salle de consommation.
(Type: Video)
(Format: 51 minutes)
Subjects: covid-19, harm reduction, homelessness, community, solidarity, self-organisation, health, drug consumption room,
- 'Fucking Hell'. The story of Truus Oldenburg
In 2018, Truus Oldenburg and professional writer Renate Guitink published the life story of Truus, who was then a woman of 58 years old and living in Amsterdam.
1970 – 2020AmsterdamTemporal Coverage: 1970/2020 (2010s,1970,1970s,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976,1977,1978,1979,1980,1980s,1981,1982,1983,1984,1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1990s,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2000s,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2010s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,1970s,2020s,) Read Story -
3 Files Bordeaux · in French
How much there is to tell about... sobrietyfr »Que de choses à se dire... la sobriété«
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 20 cm, 16 p. Poster A3)
Subjects: Sobriety, Alcohol, Community,
North America · in English
Sober Queers do exist
This zine is a collection of writings by queer and trans people on the topic of sobriety
(Type: Booklet, self-edited )
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages )
Subjects: alcohol, drug, gender, queer, trans, sobriety, community, addiction, trauma,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Addict. insights from queer and trans people about living with addiction experiencede »Queer und Süchtig. einblicke von queeren und trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen«
"schon kurz nach der veröffentlichung [vom zine "queer und nüchtern] wusste ich dass ich unbedingt ein weiteres zine zu dem thema sucht herausbringen möchte. es gibt unzählige viele sucht-erfahrungen und sucht-mittel und so viele queere und_oder trans menschen sind schon mal in irgendeiner form damit in berührung bekommen, durch eigene erfahrungen, durch freund_innen, partner_innen, familie. in diesem zine kommen selbst suchterfahrene menschen zu wort."
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 47 pages)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender ,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober. Queer and Trans people's experiences of sobriety and intoxication culture de »Queer und Nüchtern. Erfahrung von Queeren und Trans Menschen zu Nüchternheit und Rauschkultur«
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages)
Subjects: Queer, Sobriety, Trans, Gender, Alcohol, Addiction, Community, Trauma,
Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober - Queer and Addictde »Queer und Nüchtern - Queer und Süchtig«
einblicke von queeren & trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen
(Type: Booklet)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender,
in Danish
Arbejds- og produktionsfællesskab Thy-- »Arbejds- og produktionsfællesskab Thy«
Format: A paper brochure 15cm X 21 cm
; Subject: Harm reduction, addiction treatment, Christiania, ·
(Type: Brochure)
(Format: A paper brochure 15cm X 21 cm)
Subjects: Harm reduction, addiction treatment, Christiania, ,
Copenhagen · in Danish
The Christiania Junk Blockadeda »Christianias junk blokade«
”In Copenhagen, the police hunt down junkies and cannabis dealers. At the same time, heroin is being introduced at a large scale in Denmark. This is clearly felt in Christiania, where the cannabis trade is growing and the number of junkies is increasing. Christiania tries to cooperate with the police to clean up the hash market for junk, but [it fails]. The Free Town community is now taking matters into its own hands and initiating programs for overcoming addiction for junkies and actions against the junk pushers. It culminates in 1979/80, when a blockade is carried out against junk. The junkies at Christiania get the offer to step down or move. The pushers with hard drugs are thrown out corporally.” ( translation)
(Type: Poster)
(Format: A4)
Subjects: Junk blockade in Christiania,
in Dutch
Flyer Rotterdam Junkie Union Occupation office drug coordinator Rotterdam-- »Flyer Rotterdam Junkie Union Occupation office drug coordinator Rotterdam«
Flyer Rotterdam Junkie Union on the occupation of the office drug coordinator Rotterdam
Bonn · in English, German
Syringe packaging and discarded maskde »Spritzenverpackung und weggeworfene Maske«
Syringe packaging and discarded mask left on a table in an urban community garden
(Type: Photograph)
Subjects: contested public space, drug paraphernalia, syringe disposal, public health, COVID-19 pandemic, syringe vending machines,
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