- Critical archiving, tacit narratives, and participatory knowledge production - The social and political history of archiving
The archive is more than a container for documents, and has been used to both witness, provide evidence, justify, explain, educate, entertain, support research, help protect human rights, confirm identity, invoke imagination, manipulate, seduce, and lie.
Temporal Coverage: () Read Story -
Bordeaux · in English
Weed and rolling paper in a box of tamponsfr »Du cannabis et des feuilles à rouler cachés dans une boîte de tampons«
A box of tampons with weed and rolling paper inside
(Type: Physical object)
(Format: 20cm)
Subjects: gender, drugs, cannabis, police, paraphernalia,
- From Queer Ecstasy to Queer Sobriety
Queer cultures are more than often associated with partying practices and also with drug consumption.
2011 – 2021Temporal Coverage: 2011/2021 (2020s,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019,2020,2020s,2021,2010s,2020s,) Read Story -
“Drugs, Parties, Gender, Sex and me?” PartyZine-- »“Drugs, Parties, Gender, Sex and me?” PartyZine«
Contribution Guidelines for the PartyZine
Subjects: zine,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°14 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°14 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°13 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°13 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°11 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°11 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files in English
PartyZine n°10 (EN)-- »PartyZine n°10 (EN)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°9 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°9 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°8 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°8 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°7 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°7 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°6 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°6 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°5 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°5 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°4 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°4 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France, Germany · in French
PartyZine n°3 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°3 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
2 Files France · in French
PartyZine n°2 (FR)-- »PartyZine n°2 (FR)«
Personal contribution to the "PartyZine: Drugs, Gender and Me"
(Type: booklet)
(Format: 21 x 15 cm, 12 pages)
Subjects: party, gender, alcohol, festive drugs, cannabis, harm reduction, awareness, consent, sexuality,
North America · in English
Sober Queers do exist
This zine is a collection of writings by queer and trans people on the topic of sobriety
(Type: Booklet, self-edited )
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages )
Subjects: alcohol, drug, gender, queer, trans, sobriety, community, addiction, trauma,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Addict. insights from queer and trans people about living with addiction experiencede »Queer und Süchtig. einblicke von queeren und trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen«
"schon kurz nach der veröffentlichung [vom zine "queer und nüchtern] wusste ich dass ich unbedingt ein weiteres zine zu dem thema sucht herausbringen möchte. es gibt unzählige viele sucht-erfahrungen und sucht-mittel und so viele queere und_oder trans menschen sind schon mal in irgendeiner form damit in berührung bekommen, durch eigene erfahrungen, durch freund_innen, partner_innen, familie. in diesem zine kommen selbst suchterfahrene menschen zu wort."
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 47 pages)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender ,
2 Files Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober. Queer and Trans people's experiences of sobriety and intoxication culture de »Queer und Nüchtern. Erfahrung von Queeren und Trans Menschen zu Nüchternheit und Rauschkultur«
(Type: Booklet, self-edited)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm, 54 pages)
Subjects: Queer, Sobriety, Trans, Gender, Alcohol, Addiction, Community, Trauma,
Berlin · in German
Queer and Sober - Queer and Addictde »Queer und Nüchtern - Queer und Süchtig«
einblicke von queeren & trans menschen über das leben mit sucht_erfahrungen
(Type: Booklet)
(Format: 15 x 21 cm)
Subjects: queer, drug, alcohol, addiction, sobriety, community, trauma, gender,
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